Change Your Life in One Year – Video

Posted: January 31, 2013 at 11:47 am

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Change Your Life in One Year
I changed my life in less than one year by making the conscious effort to get healthy--NO EXCUSES!! What could you do in one year? I not only lost 40 pounds, but I started my own at-home health and fitness business, was able to walk away from my full-time job to work from home, started teaching fitness classes, started running Challenge Groups to help others get fit and healthy, and because I did all of this, I will be able to be the stay-at-home mom I always wanted to be once my baby arrives in May. NOTHING bad can come from deciding to get healthy!

By: Emily Souvignier

See the original post:
Change Your Life in One Year - Video

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Written by admin |

January 31st, 2013 at 11:47 am

Posted in Health and Fitness

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