Video Marketing – You As Star – Make Your Intro Count – Video

Posted: January 17, 2013 at 12:45 am

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Video Marketing - You As Star - Make Your Intro Count Video Marketing - You As Star by Dr. Marc Kossmann and Charlie Seymour Jr. In this preview you will understand how to Make Your Intro Count. Dr. Marc and Charlie are known for their creative, attention-grabbing, search-result-hogging videos. They combine animation, on-screen appearances, and teaching methods to DOMINATE your Google search results and then AUTOMATE all the follow up you receive. And in their course, you learn how to relax so YOU can star on camera just as they do. By going to http you will learn first-hand how to relax on camera, how to create your own video marketing, and what these two experts do to send their clients to the top of Google (and other) search results. Even the information website about this course is a lesson unto itself - go there now just to learn how to use video to demonstrate a course - we bet you #39;ve NEVER seen a webpage like this one before! And when you want to learn how to USE your videos in your marketing, go sign up at http Sign in now to get their special report: "Power Your Profits Through Online Video Marketing - Discover How To Generate More Business, Make More Money, and Drive New Referrals When You Dominate Google Search Results." AND get their free 10-part video series: Why Video Is Vital For A Professional. Enjoy THIS video... then click the link to learn more: and http - 2 of the 57 websites created by Dr. Marc and Charlie ...

By: PersonalSuccessMktg

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Video Marketing - You As Star - Make Your Intro Count - Video

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Written by admin |

January 17th, 2013 at 12:45 am

Posted in Personal Success

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