Online Education features the Nicheprof Teaching the Fundamentals of Marketing with Social Media – Video

Posted: January 14, 2013 at 6:42 am

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Online Education features the Nicheprof Teaching the Fundamentals of Marketing with Social Media - Dr. Ron Capps, the Nicheprof, is the featured guest on the BlogTalkRadio show called the School of Social Marketing, every Wednesday at 11:30 AM ET. The show, produced by Ken English, the BlogTalkRadioGuy, features social media optimization strategies thru content development and distribution. Video produced by Ken English, and http

By: Ken English

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Online Education features the Nicheprof Teaching the Fundamentals of Marketing with Social Media - Video

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Written by admin |

January 14th, 2013 at 6:42 am

Posted in Online Education

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