IFA.tv – IFA Reminders – Show 61-3 – Video

Posted: December 4, 2012 at 1:47 am

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IFA.tv - IFA Reminders - Show 61-3
IFA.com: ifa.com - Take the Risk Capacity Survey ifarcs.com - Complete the Retirement Analyzer ifa.com - Call 888-643-3133 - facebook.com - IFAtwitter.com What is an investor supposed to do in times of real or perceived market crisis? Mark and Tom give investors a list of reminders to help maintain discipline in an investment plan or "staying tied to the mast." Using the news to make forecasts about the future is a recipe for disaster. Mark gives clients a recipe for success by staying focused on the things you can control diversification, matching risk capacity with risk exposure, keeping costs low, allocating your risk budget wisely, following a glide path strategy, tax loss harvesting, and rebalancing when the opportunity presents itself. IFA.tv provides webcasts explaining the investing strategies of IFA.com and Mark Hebner #39;s book, Index Funds: The 12-Step Recovery Program for Active Investors, with Foreword by Nobel Laureate Harry Markowitz. See hard cover: IndexFundsBook.com ; the iBook here IndexFundsiBook.com ; the Kindle edition here IndexFundsKindle.com ; and the Nook edition here IndexFundsNook.com.From:IndexFundsAdvisorsViews:6 0ratingsTime:06:29More inEducation

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IFA.tv - IFA Reminders - Show 61-3 - Video

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Written by admin |

December 4th, 2012 at 1:47 am

Posted in Retirement

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