Corporate Escape How You Can Join The New Entrepreneurs – Video

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 1:01 am

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Corporate Escape How You Can Join The New Entrepreneurs
#8234; Are you tired of the rat race? Want to plan your corporate escape? Want to become a New Entrepreneur? Here is a way to get started... Maite Baron is the author of #39;Corporate Escape: The Rise of The New Entrepreneur #39;. A thought provoking and inspirational book for professionals, managers, executives, the self employed, those between job or careers, and all those of you who want to escape the corporate Rat Race to join the world of the #39;New entrepreneur #39;. In the book, Maite Barn explains that its the thinking, attitudes and perceptions that really prevent people from succeeding as New Entrepreneurs. Instead she lays out the mindsets, paradigms, attitudes and concepts that are required to succeed in the world of entrepreneurship. For anyone wanting to Escape the rat race, take control of their professional live or create a successful business, this book is a must read. This YouTube video #8234; is a promotion for the book, and aims to engage those professionals who what to get out of large organisations, such as investment banking, oil and energy companies, retail conglomerates, government etc and create a professional life based on their values, dreams and aspirations, ultimately to feel fulfilled and reaching your true potential. #39;Corporate Escape: The Rise of The New Entrepreneur" is very different to most books in the entrepreneurial, startup, create a business, self help gender. A lot of the books aimed at the business and "start up" community ...From:Maite BaronViews:11 0ratingsTime:03:21More inPeople Blogs

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Corporate Escape How You Can Join The New Entrepreneurs - Video

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November 2nd, 2012 at 1:01 am

Posted in Life Coaching

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