Blankenship boys follow their dad into coaching

Posted: August 19, 2012 at 6:15 pm

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2012 College Football Preview: What to expect from OU, OSU and TU this football season.

"Angie would kind of shut it down," Bill Blankenship recalls. "She wanted something else to be talked about."

OK, so when Angie and Bill and their three sons - Josh, Caleb and Adam - would convene for a meal, what was discussed other than football?

"Not much," Bill replied with a smile. "It usually got around to football."

Some families are football participants.

The Blankenships are football lifers.

Bill was a quarterback at Spiro High School and the University of Tulsa. Before joining the Golden Hurricane staff in 2007 - and becoming TU's head man last year - he coached all three of his boys at Union High School.

When Angie says, "I can't even estimate how many games I've attended," she's not exaggerating. She and Bill were high school sweethearts, and they've been married since 1978.

"They are still in love and that's incredible to see in this day and age." Caleb Blankenship told the Tulsa World last year.

Bill has coached for three decades. Angie was in the bleachers for all of his games, and she was there for the great majority of their sons' games - from sixth grade through varsity at Union and even at out-of-state games involving Josh and Adam.

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Blankenship boys follow their dad into coaching

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Written by admin |

August 19th, 2012 at 6:15 pm

Posted in Life Coaching

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