Cancer diagnosis gives Sauquoit coach perspective

Posted: July 21, 2012 at 4:20 am

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Tim Clive, the longtime girls soccer coach at Sauquoit Valley, was busy living his life earlier this year, secure in a perspective shaped by his 65 years.

Then, life tapped Clive on the shoulder and reminded him how fragile it all is.

Cancer has a way of altering the landscape.

You think youre doing OK and life is going on merrily on its way and all of a sudden nothing is more important than seeing the sun come out, he said. Seriously. I have 10 grandchildren, and when they talk to me and give me a hug, it means so much.

Last winter, Clive was diagnosed with melanoma, a type of skin cancer that was found initially near his right shoulder.

He first noticed some discomfort when he tried to carry a large bag of soccer balls. When he no longer could ignore the problem, he went to a doctor. Two procedures and many moments of worry later, Clive received good news: the tumor had not spread. The result, he said, is a miracle, considering the size of the mass.

And for awhile, sports and coaching were set aside, but now hes back on the sidelines, perhaps as a slightly different version of himself.

I would say he has always been open and accessible, Sauquoit Valley assistant coach John Del Buono said. But since this has happened hes starting to open up more. I feel like now hes smelling the roses more.

Clive, who will be 66 in October, is coaching Sauquoit players in a summer league and he plans to be with the Indians for his 18th season this fall.

Sauquoit has won sectional titles in two of the last three years, and the team made consecutive appearances in the state finals in 2009 and 2010. Clive is not about to skip out on a chance to guide Sauquoit back to state-level competition. The diagnosis, though, moved athletics and coaching into a different place.

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Cancer diagnosis gives Sauquoit coach perspective

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Written by admin |

July 21st, 2012 at 4:20 am

Posted in Life Coaching

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