Sex / Health / Fitness: "He's out of my league." What league?

Posted: July 10, 2012 at 3:24 pm

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A few weeks ago I was out clubbing with a friend, Sam, and a very attractive homosexual caught his eye.

Oh My God, hes SO beautiful, Sam said, admiring the boy.

Go and talk to him, I advised.

No, hes out of my league. And just like that Sam gave up. But an hour later the beautiful homosexual was making out with a guy whom one might describe as a hobbit! It got me thinking, if the attractive guy and the Hobbit hooked up, did that mean they were in the same league?

Sam went home that night confused and frustrated. If he had gone up to talk to the hot guy he may have had a chance, but because Sam believed he wasnt good enough for him based on looks, he would never know what could have been.

I told Sam that if he thinks he can only date guys who are the same attractiveness as him, it would really limit the number of people he could date. Who decides these leagues anyway? The actuality is, there are no leagues, just preferences.

If hed gone up to talk to the hot guy he may have had a chance, but Sam believed he wasnt good enough for him.

Sam was attracted to the guy at the club so much that it intimidated him. In fear of rejection and possibly a lack of self-esteem, Sam chose not to make a move. The attractive man however found the Hobbit attractive, so the two of them hooked up. Just because Sam didnt think the hot guy and the Hobbit were in the same league, didnt mean they thought they werent.

No one really knows what other peoples preference for a partner is until they get to know someone. Though with some brutally honest dating profiles out there stating only into fit young guys or not into [insert racial group here] or no one over 30, its easy to see how some people might feel dejected by the gay community and assume they are not many peoples type.

Just because some people dont fit the classically attractive stereotype that fed to us by the media, does not mean they are not in the same league as those who are considered as handsome. No matter who you are or what you look like, someone out there will find you attractive! I can say this confidently as I dont know any gay virgins.

Excerpt from:
Sex / Health / Fitness: "He's out of my league." What league?

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Written by admin |

July 10th, 2012 at 3:24 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

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