Ideal Fitness Trends Releases 3 Content Packed Videos All About Different And Unique Natural Male Enhancement Techniques

Posted: July 4, 2012 at 4:15 pm

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A health and fitness company based out of New York has just released 3 videos for guys who are searching for different ways to increase the size of their penis naturally and safely.

New York, NY (PRWEB) July 02, 2012

Men are constantly told by modern day media and the public throughout the world that in order to a masculine male in todays society, one must have a large penis. If one does not have a large penis, then he isnt considered a man in todays world. Sadly, given the statistics of this, the former statement is usually truer. But this forces men to search for a solution usually about different natural male enhancement techniques they can employ in order to grow the size of their penis so they feel like they belong.

Luckily for them, techniques on how to increase penis size do exist and have been used for decades by satisfied individuals to naturally increase the length and girth of their penis just by doing certain exercises, which can be performed in the comfort of ones home.

The specific technique that the videos, released by Ideal Fitness Trends is talking about is called jelqing and it can almost be classified as a form of stretching for the penis. Although the penis is not a muscle, it is made up of spongy tissue which can, overtime be stimulated to create new cell growth which is permanent and long lasting. This new cell growth will make up the new growth for ones penis if he sticks to these special exercises.

One of the stretches that the video talks about is very simple to perform and doesnt take long. All one has to do is take his thumb and forefinger and place it at the base of his penis, creating an ok sign. From there, the individual will take his other hand and at the base of his penis, gradually pull all the way to the end of the penis, while his other hand remains at the base acting as an anchor. Once at the end, he releases and that counts for 1 repetition. When one is just starting out with this exercise, to prevent damage or soreness, one can limit the amount of reps to around15-20 per session done every other day. Overtime the individual may work up to more total reps per day using this male enhancement technique.

All in all, these specific exercises are great for anyone looking to increase the size of their penis naturally and safely without the use of pills, powders, or dangerous and expensive surgery.

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Ideal Fitness Trends Releases 3 Content Packed Videos All About Different And Unique Natural Male Enhancement Techniques

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Written by admin |

July 4th, 2012 at 4:15 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

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